Surveillance is one of the most iconic tasks of a private investigator. Every time we picture an investigator we imagine them following someone with a secret camera and trying to remain unseen. Private investigators in the Philippines conduct many different tasks, from dating background checks to due diligence for corporations, asset searches and criminal cases. But surveillance remains one of the most important and most requested duties for the Philippine PI™ investigation team.
It is also common to link surveillance with infidelity cases. The majority of the surveillance cases have to do with infidelity, yes. People from around the world contact our private investigators because they have reasons to suspect that their spouses are being unfaithful in the Philippines. And there is a good reason for that. The Philippines is known as a top destination for men due to the female beauties. But there are many other cases of surveillance that have nothing to do with infidelity checks.
The following are some other cases where you can consider surveillance.
Doing business in the Philippines
If you are about to start a business relationship with someone from the Philippines, you might want to take as much precaution as possible. Fraud and corruption in the Philippines are the greatest social problems. Investors in the country have to be able to tell apart fake companies and fraudsters from real deals. But further than that, foreign investors are particularly vulnerable to bribery when trying to obtain licenses and permits. Corruption plagues the government agencies, and fraud is routine for companies when filing documentation. Philippines investigators recommend surveillance on key people of this new business deal to make sure there are not any doubtful behaviors that can put at risk your investment, your company reputation or even put you in trouble with the law.
Employee fraud and corruption
Making sure you hire the best people is a team work shared by both the human resources people in a company and the investigation team taking care of the employment screenings in the Philippines. But although conducting background checks minimizes the risks of having a bad apple in your company, there are no guarantees. Employers who detect that something is not right with an employee can use surveillance as a means to find evidence and stop the fraud. No corporation wants to be responsible for an employee who is engaging in bribery in order to make their work easier. No company wants to have an employee stealing product and bargaining it illegally to obtain financial gain. In a few words, no one wants a crook as an employee. Therefore, surveillance can help not only to stop this from happening but also obtain evidence for the subsequent lawsuit that may probably happen.
Family and personal issues
There are circumstances when family needs a third party to intervene and verify what is going on with a particular situation. Some of the cases we have worked with at Philippine PI involve divorce, drugs, fraud and other related matters.
In the case of divorced parents, usually one parent gets to keep the children and the other gets to see them when, where and how a court has decided to. But sometimes the full custody is not given to the right party, and this is a big problem. Philippines investigators conduct surveillance when a parent is concerned about the well-being and safety of the children while remaining with the other parent. This kind of service is especially critical when the reason for divorce had to do with domestic violence, alcohol or drug abuse. Surveillance can also be extremely helpful for those parents who live in another country and want to make sure kids are being sent to school and things look normal at home, as well as those who want to make sure their children are doing OK with babysitters.
Other cases include parents getting surveillance for their children when there are suspicions of drug abuse or them participating in illegal activities.
Surveillance can make all the difference when you are planning to take a big step or when you´re trying to protect what you care for the most. If you have a situation in your life that requires deep investigation, contact us and get the professional help of our investigators!
C. Wright
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