Philippines Missing Persons – Investigators Reunite Loved Ones

missing person Philippines

Philippine PI investigators have worked with many different cases of missing people over the years. Missing a loved one is something nobody ever wants to experience, but it happens.  For foreign families the experience is especially traumatic, as the Philippines is a completely unknown to them.

How can someone go missing?

The cases vary a lot. From a tourist who decided to stay longer and got engaged in a dangerous relationship, to people who are meaning to disappear due to unsolved conflicts in their homeland, to people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Regardless of the situation, it is crucial to look for professional help as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it is common to find that family members contact a local private detective in the Philippines until they have come to an end point and its harder to find clues or retrieve information.

Common cases of missing people

Sometimes, there is no tragedy involved in the situation. People just have lost track of an old friend or someone from their past that they loved and cared for. Such is the case of military men who had a friendship or romantic relationship long ago with someone from the Philippines, and after many years they are trying to get back in touch with this person. Investigators in the Philippines say that when people hold enough information -like a full name, date of birth and an old address- these cases are usually successful. People are able to reunite even after many years have passed by.

Other cases are more complex. Some people get involved in drugs or crime rings hoping somehow to make money and not to face the consequences. The problem is that the consequences are extremely serious and dangerous. The Philippines war on drugs has been widely discussed around the world and has gotten a lot of attention due to the amount of missing people and to extra judicial killings.

Other people had the bad fortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Certain regions of the Philippines are known to be problematic and extremely dangerous because they have been taken by Islamic terrorists, especially in the South. In these kinds of cases, time is essential.

What to do if someone you love is missing?

Contact a private detective on the ground in the Philippines as soon as possible! If you are looking to reunite with an old friend, a professional investigator can help you investigate any tracks and clues in national public, government and media records.  The investigation team can also interview former neighbors, classmates and co-workers, check property and tax records, search passport, motor vehicle and voter records, and follow up on any leads to locate a missing person.

For more complex cases of missing people, you will need local investigation and maybe even surveillance in Manila or the city where this is taking place. Questions need to be cleared as soon as possible. Clues need to be followed up while there are still traces of the disappearance.

The sooner the issue is addressed by professional investigators, the greater chances there are that the story has a happy ending. Contact us if you need to find a missing loved one!

C. Wright
© 2018 Philippine PI
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