Philippines Dating Sites Remain a High Threat to International Users

filipina dating sites and coronavirus scams

Philippines dating websites are some of the most popular around the world, and as such, also represent some of the riskiest in regard to romance fraud and scams. The current situation with social distancing and quarantines due to coronavirus has exacerbated both the use of these dating platforms and the new cases of  dating fraud. Dating apps are crowded and Philippines scammers are making the most of it.

Due to the high threat for foreigners looking for love through the internet, private investigators in the Philippines have put together the following advice.

Romance scams have peaks, but they’re never gone

It is important to understand that when dating a Filipina or Filipino online, people always need to be careful. There are circumstances that make the job easier for fraudsters, for example natural disasters and the current health threat of coronavirus. These situations make potential victims more willing to send money and help others, which is a great opportunity for scammers. Investigators in Manila anticipate a peak season for love fraud very soon, but what is important is to keep your eyes open and always be careful. Romance fraudsters are never gone, and they will continue creating new strategies to catch new victims. Do not let yourself fall victim to one of them!

When you are thousands of miles away, you need local experts

It would be great if we could just search the internet and find out all the answers, but it doesn’t work like that. To be able to verify that the Filipina you are talking to is real, or that she is being honest about her personal life, conditions and intentions, you will need a local private investigator on the ground. Dating background checks in the Philippines can help all those foreigners who have not met their girlfriend in person. Exchanging messages online and even video-chatting are no guarantee of identity, but a professional investigator can verify for you. In Philippines romance fraud cases, it is important not only to verify the identity but also marriage history and criminal records.

For those who have met the Filipina in person, it is a good idea to consider surveillance. Philippines love fraud cases are often carried by women who meet their victims once in a while. They behave as expected during the time together with their victims, but they are doing this to several different men. Therefore, a local investigation and surveillance in their home town in Philippines is advised.  Understanding the daily whereabouts is important to know whether your date is truthful or not.

Hoping for the best is not a smart option

If you are an online dating user, and have met someone from the Philippines, do not just hope for the best. Victims of romance scams never verified, or did it when it was already late. Keep in mind that timing is important, the sooner you hire a background check in your relationship, the least chances you have of falling victim. Private investigations are a great insurance if you want to make smart decisions. Date a Filipina, but know the facts first!

C. Wright
© Philippine PI
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